
Grand P

Grand P’s Birthday: October 11, 1990

Born on the 11th of October 1990, Grand P who goes by his real name Moussa Sandiana Kaba is a Guinean singer, comedian and influencer who is the first Guinean musician to attained 6 million followers on Facebook.

Suffering from progeria, the artist has been subjected to mockery, insults, fun and marginalization. He made himself known from a show he partook in which was held at Palais du Peuple de Conakry and was organized by his idol Kerfalla Kanté.

During the AFCON 2019, Grand P garnered more popularity; the artist supported the Guinean delegation which later led to more invitations from other artists.

On the 9th of September 2022 his country president Mamadi Doumbouyo gave him a diplomatic passport in order to promote culture and Guinea’s tourism. Grand P then created his foundation in 2019 which supports those living with disabilities and orphanages not leaving out the vulnerable. The charity works of his foundation has extended to different countries like Cameroon, Mali and Ivory Coast.

Another striking aspect about Grand P is was his usual appearance with a beautiful and well structured lady popular known as Eudoxie Yao, his ex-partner. Their pictures and videos online have sometimes been an aspect of laughter. Nevertheless, the artist has people who love and appreciate him genuinely. Grand P’s net worth is estimated at $10 million US dollars which is expected to rise as his popularity in music and on social media increases.

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